Thursday, May 10, 2012

My Little Mommy

Samantha is so mothering! It drives me crazy at times, but it also makes me laugh at times. I often have to remind her, while she is trying to tell Zach what not to do, that she needs to let me be the mom. Usually she says something back like, "No! I be the mom!"

The other day Zach was doing something he shouldn't (surprise, surprise) and I told him to stop. Immediately Samantha said, "Let me be the mom, okay." She gave me the same look I'm sure I've given her a million times. It was so funny! It took all I had not to laugh. I often hear her tell Zach or a doll "That makes Mommy mad" or "You need time out!" or "Its nap time" etc... I think she's getting all the "Mom" phrases down!

1 comment:

The Merrills said...

I love this times like this anyway. Today Nathan was telling Kaylee to "stop doing that! better stop...2...I'm almost to 3 you better stop...2...stop Kaylee stop!" Apparently he caught on to the fact that I never actually make it to 3 because I have not yet figured out what happens when I get there!