Sunday, January 31, 2010

Birthday and Party

Samantha's birthday was on a Wednesday this year which meant I had Faith in God and Michael had Young Men's. So, we decided to have a birthday party with our friends on the following Friday. It was really fun. My friend Jennifer has a daughter that is only three days older than Samantha so we had a combined birthday party. We had pizza and cupcakes. The kids watched Samantha's new movie, The Aristocats, and the adults played Would You Rather (thanks Theresa!!!). It was low key, but a lot of fun!!!

Janelle and Samantha had a cake to themselves.

Samantha Robbins and Janelle Joven, the one year olds!!!
Samantha is wearing her new birthday outfit.
On Samantha's actual birthday we didn't have a cake, but we did have Oreos!
Samantha is an expert present opener!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Happy 1st Birthday Samantha!!!

What a big girl!!!

Our tiny baby isn't so tiny any more.

I can't believe it's been a year already! I can't imagine life without Samantha, but it' weird to think that she is one year old. She's been a huge blessing in our lives. Being parents is the best job in the world!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Our Girl is Mobile...Sort Of

Samantha is almost one, but no, she doesn't walk or crawl for that matter. She is good at army crawling/scooting on her stomach, and she seems to be able to get wherever she wants to go...even if that means under our bed! I was doing something on the computer and Samantha was on the floor. I turned around after a minute and she was under the bed. Even though she doesn't crawl on her hands and knees, she's still pretty quick! She was so pretty proud of herself and darn cute too!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Christmas...A Little Late

We had a lot of fun in Illinois. We were so excited for Samantha's first Christmas. While packing I triple checked (probably more) that we had our camera. Unfortuanatly I didn't make sure there was a memory stick in the camera. We did get a disposable camera and Sunny, my sister-in-law, took lots of pictures and is sending them to us (she saved the day!). We did have a few presents to open when we got home so we do have some pictures of that. Samantha loves to open presents!