Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Samantha insisted on being Snow White this year and Zach got to be a frog since we had the costume already (we love hand-me-downs)! Samantha was a good little trick-or-treater. She always remembered to say "trick-or-treat" and "thank you." She loved going door to door. When we came home, she was so mad it was over!!! So, I let her hand out candy to a few kids that came to our house.

I made a couple of kind of trick-or-treat bags to sell at craft fairs and online. I made sure Samantha got one too! She loved filling it with candy!
Zach had no problems with dressing up, but eating a sucker was much more fun!!!


Unknown said...

Love those pics. LOVING SAMBO SNOW WHITE! Miss that diva girl!

Mom Stone said...

Ahhhhhh...They're SO CUTE!

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful Snow White! What cute kiddos!