Thursday, June 11, 2009

Lots of Babies!!!

I started a lunch group with some sisters in my ward a few months ago. We meet at noon every Wednesday for lunch. We take turns hosting and making the main dish. Everyone else brings something like a salad, dessert, etc... All of us have young babies ages 8 months to 3 1/2 months. One afternoon Cassie, one of the girls, took a picture of all the babies that were there that day in order of their age (Oldest at the left). Sometimes we have more than the seven pictured. It can get pretty crazy with that many babies in our small apartment living room, but it is nice to get out and talk to the girls. Anyway, it's a pretty cute picture so I thought I'd share. Thanks Cassie!!!
Also, just an update about our job hunting. Michael didn't get either job. Knight did some restructuing and didn't hire anyone and Kaplan offered the job to someone else. I thought I'd be more disappointed, but neither of us are. We feel really good about things. In fact we applied for a bunch more jobs last night and got two calls today. He had an interview in Idaho Falls with a financial planning company called Modern Woodmen of America. The interview went really well and he has two more interviews with the same company next week. He also has an interview in Rexburg with Pinnacle Business Coaching. We are excited to see where the Lord takes us. Michael still wants to get his Master's degree and will start working on it as soon as we know where we are going to be with a job.


Ryan and Heather Bartron said...

How fun! That's so neat that you can get together with other women. I would die if I couldn't do that! Good luck with the job hunt!

Anonymous said...

hey, just wanted to leave you a note so you can have my blog address. so, here it is.

the herd said...

thanks for the update! That sure is a lot of babies! Are they all the the only kids?