Friday, March 12, 2010


Samantha had decided that she does not like to sleep. Instead, she fights me tooth and nail. She wants to be awake ALL the time. Today I had to much to do to fight her anymore. She played in the living room and then proceeded to scream because she needed a nap. I was in the kitchen and started to sing. She would stay calm as long as she could hear me. A few minutes later I walked into the living room to behold this cute site. Samantha cuddled up with the teddy bear Grammy Robbins gave her at Christmas and fell asleep. Even though the nap didn't last long it was nice to have her fall asleep!!!


Melissa Stone said...

Have you tried sleep training her. Give her scheduled naps and put her to bed early, like 7 or so. put her in her crib and let her cry for 5 minutes then go in and comfort her, but don't pick her up, do 5 minutes at a time one day, then 10 the next, 15 the next and so on. She'll figure it out eventually. The hardest part of the whole thing is the not picking her up part, but it's so worth it in the end.

the herd said...

That is the sweetest thing! What a beautiful baby. I wish I could take a nap right by that little sweetheart! I want to kiss that soft face!

Unknown said...

What a sweet baby.