Tuesday, September 30, 2008

It's a GIRL!!!

So we just found out yesterday that we are having a girl. We are really excited! We had been talking about names before hand so it didn't take us long to decide on one. We have decided to name her Samantha Marilyn Robbins.

We both just really like the name Samantha. Marilyn is my mom's name. I am named after my grandmother and have really felt a close bond with her because of it. I have also found that Grandma and I have a lot of similar traits. As we were thinking of names I thought about the kind of person I would like our daughter to be. I couldn't think of a better example for Samantha than my mom. Then of course there is her last name, Robbins.

I asked Mike if he would call her Sam or something of that sort for short. He thought about it for a moment then said he would probably call her Sambo. He then laughed, so I think he was kidding, but you never can tell with him. Whatever he calls her I'm sure she will be Daddy's little princess!


Jon and Sunny Robbins said...

Why not "Heidi, Jr."?

the herd said...

Nothing better then a girl to talk, shop and sing with! All daddy's love their little girls!

Ryan and Heather Bartron said...

I have a good friend who had a baby girl last spring. They named her Hannah and for a long time her husband tried to convince her to give the baby the middle name banana. i think he would have been really pleased if she gave in.

Lynn said...

Congratulations! We're so happy for you both! I'm sooooo excited! Samantha Marilyn, huh? I like it!

You have NO idea how much "she will be Daddy's little princess!" Mike LOVES kids! Sometimes I think he's STILL a little kid himself~ha!

What fun you will both have..."sugar and spice and everything nice!"

Hugs to you both, Mom (Grammie!)

Dearsarah said...

Heidi dear, CONGRATS!!!! I'm so excited for you! We need to keep in touch! Love ya,

Unknown said...


...this is how Paige & Claire say "Congrats"

The Daleys

Lauran Miller! said...

I'm SOOO excited for you!
You and Mike will be the BEST parents EVER!! CONGRATS!