Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Proud or Appalled???

Samantha loves watching t.v. I've had to work hard to not let it be a babysitter at times. I just have to set a limit on the amount of time I let her watch t.v., although I don't always stick with it like I should. Today I was in on the computer while she was watching a show in the living room. All of the sudden I hear a the opening of a movie that I didn't put in for her. That's right, after her show finished Samantha took out the DVD she had finished, put in another one, and started it. My daughter will be two at the end of the month, and she already knows how to work the DVD player. I don't know if I should be proud of her for figuring it out on her own or if I should be appalled at myself for letting her watch enough t.v. that she can figure it out. What a girl!


Ryan and Heather Bartron said...

Nathan loves to watch TV too. I always feel so bad, but without it I probably would never get a shower.

The Hundertmarks said...

I just think that she's naturally talented, like her mother!

Kathryn Stone Lazenby said...

HAHAHA that is absolutely HILARIOUS! She never fails at making me laugh lol

Anonymous said...

That's hilarious! I laughed pretty good at that one! Congrats on having a prodigy.