Monday, January 17, 2011

Big Kids!!!

Both kids had doctor's appointments on Friday and we found out that they are growing as they should!!!
Zach weighed 12 lbs 5 oz. He is in the 80th% for height and head circumference and in the 75th% for weight! He is growing like crazy! I often have people say he has no neck. That's not true, he does have a neck, it's just hidden beneath all his chins.

Samantha was in the 50th% for height and about the 70th% for weight. Her head, on the other hand, was off the charts! Hooray for those Robbins' genes!


Anonymous said...

Samantha looks so fact they both do. Congrats on the big heads!

The Hundertmarks said...

They are so adorable. My boys can't wait for him to grow a bit so they can play w/ him.

The Merrills said...

Samantha has so much hair!!! It makes her look sooooooo old! That just breaks my heart!