Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Christmas...A Little Late

We had a lot of fun in Illinois. We were so excited for Samantha's first Christmas. While packing I triple checked (probably more) that we had our camera. Unfortuanatly I didn't make sure there was a memory stick in the camera. We did get a disposable camera and Sunny, my sister-in-law, took lots of pictures and is sending them to us (she saved the day!). We did have a few presents to open when we got home so we do have some pictures of that. Samantha loves to open presents!


Hi, I'm Katelyn! said...

Hey Heidi,
im not sure if you have an invite to our blog or not but email me at westover.katelyn@gmail.com and Ill get one to you. samantha is such a cute girl!!!

the herd said...

that baby is growing so fast! I just want to give her a great big kiss!

thank you for the birthday cards! The kids LOVED them! You are a great woman, Heidi! We are glad you are in my family!

Kathryn Stone Lazenby said...

HEIDI!!!! I LOVE THE PICTURES!!!! Samantha is getting so big! Oh my gosh!!!! I loved how you can see her two little teeth in one of the pictures! She is so adorable!!!! :)